Spinal cord
Cortical areas
Gyrus frontalis inferior,
Pars opercularis
Gyrus precentralis
Gyrus postcentralis
Gyrus temporalis transversus anterior
Fig. 512
Functional cortical areas of the cerebral
hemispheres according to FOERSTER;
viewed from the left.
The somatotopic organisation is illustrated schematically.
The primary receiving area for auditory impulses (<T) extends
over the upper edge of the temporal lobe onto its inner surface.
Motor projection area
Motor association area
Sensory projection area
Sensory association area
Auditory projection area
Auditory association area
Visual projection area
Visual association area
Gyrus precentralis
Gyrus postcentralis
Sulcus calcarinus
Fig. 513
Functional cortical areas of the cerebral
hemispheres according to FOERSTER;
medial view.
The somatotopic organisation is illustrated schematically